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Renegades Hunting

Renegade's Timeless Dreamcatcher (JH NA-II)

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Cali girl Scarlet adapted beautifully to all the fun, snow, and water that Michigan offers.  She is getting great hunt training from an old school dog man, and works with a very active NAVHDA club.  


In addition to getting his girl out to hunt, this good biped also takes lots of pictures. Much appreciated. 

Renegade's Golden Hour JH (Russell)

Russell is also with the right family and the trainer who trained his dad.  I was lucky enough to catch a training session right after Christmas, and  seeing Russell run with fluid joy in the early morning mist was such a treat.  This kid hunts with focus and intensity, and hard work on cold wet mornings is beginning to pay off as Russell and his people start getting out in the field.
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Renegade's Shooting Star JH (Johnny)

Johnny is with me, and we are having the best time.  My initial experience with field work was with Trooper, and while there was obviously something about it worth sticking around for, it was -hard- there was so much I had to learn and most was by trial and error (oh so much error).  This time around I get to truly enjoy the ride and watch this boy as he starts to grow into his potential.  As with his siblings, I can see Trooper's drive and intensity in Johnny; it is both beautiful and a little terrifying.  In just a few short weeks he was exposed to and learned to hunt with confidence three very different terrains. The chalenge will be to now harness that potential and teach some self-control.
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